
Local Expert Groups

Flemish local expert group e den achtkanter

The Local Expert Group members are from a university and two university colleges (researchers and teachers), professionals from others services for adults with learning disabilities, a Flemish employment agency (GTB) and professionals from their organization expert in cognitive methodology.

The Flemish local expert represents members of

  • University of Antwerp
  • University College AP Artesius Plantijn Antwerpen
  • University College VIVES Kortrijk
  • Flemish employment agency
  • Vzw den achtkanter (Johan Warnez, Joyce Vansteenkiste, Joke Vandaele, Inge Vande-putte, Victoria Verhelst)
  • Vzw groep Ubuntu – a service for adults with a disability  
  • vzw den achtkanter, Kortrijk (B) - coordinating organization

Universidade de Evora

The university of Evora will collaborate with a local expert group that has been set up its thanks to its formal partnerships with institutions that work with adults challenged by intellectual disabilities or a traumatic brain injury.
Among its members there will be:

  • The department of Psychology which collaborates with a group of organizations and schools that will participate in this project as local partners.
  • The APPACDM DE ÉVORA, Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental, A therapeutic, residential, and training institution with humanistic values and actions, that works actively in social inclusion, employment-professional integration and social rights of persons with intellectual disabilities.
  • Casa João Cidade - Montemor o Novo - with inspiration in socio-therapy and artistic expression improving the self management and self regulation in all domains of life.
  • Institut of Social Security (Regional Center from EVORA) – public entity that regulates and give support to institutions that works actively in social inclusion, employment - professional integration and social rights of persons with intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain injury.

Asociacion Vale, Durcal

The local expert group they have set is made by psychologists from some organizations that take part in “Plena Inclusion Andalucia” (Organization representing persons with disabilities). In addition, psychologist and professors with many years of experience in researching and teaching from the University of Granada will add their knowledge to the project.

Institut Valencià d’Atenció Social Sanitària IVASS, Valencia

IVASS' Local expert group is made by three independent groups which meet in Valencia, Elche and Castellón. The participant organizations belong to several working fields such as:

  • Universities (Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Universidad Católica de Valencia and Universidad Miguel Hernández);
  • organizations related to disability (Artes, CEE El Somni, C.O. La Costera- Canal (ASPROMIVISE), Plena Inclusión Comunidad Valenciana, CEEME, AFANIAS, El rinconet and Fundación Roig Alfonso de la Comunidad Valenciana);
  • private companies (Pixel XL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM and coordina);
  • a vocational/training center (Escuelas San José) and a research Institute (IDOCAL).

Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere

The members of the Finnish local expert group are:

  • Pirkanmaan ammatillisen erityisopetuksen koordinaatiokeskus, PAEK
  • Tampereen Sarka Ltd.
  • Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry
  • Tampere Vocational College, Tredu
  • Luovi Vocational College
  • Kiipula Vocational College

NARHU, Plovdiv

The Bulgarian expert group comprises of psychologists with long term clinical experience and practice in the support of PwDs with regards to their cognitive development, self – determination and personal development. It involves cognitive-behavioral therapists, university professors teaching on the subject of cognitive psychology, as well as occupational psychologists.
All members adopt the concept of C&I project and are eager to contribute to the project activities.

Irecoop Veneto, Padova

The local expert group of Irecoop Veneto will count with the contributions of:

  • Daniela Moro – Expert of social inclusion policies for persons with disabilities.
  • Stefania Porchia – Expert in the assessment and evaluation of Welfare systems,
  • Maristella Zantedeschi – Expert in policies for social inclusion of persons with disabilities,
  • Marco Tirabosco – Regional Coordinator for the Commission on Disability of Federsolidarietà Veneto,
  • Enrico Miatto – Professor of Pedagogy l’inclusione (IUSVE- Istituto Universitaro Salesiano,
  • Tiziana Boggian – President of the Cooperative “Nuova Idea”,
  • Eugenio Anzanello – President of the Cooperative “Madonna dei Miracoli”.

NAHRU, Bulgaria

In line with the plan for conducting Local Expert Group’s activities, NARHU has carried out a brainstorming session on 11 November 2018 to collect items for the Mindset tool for professionals which is the second intellectual output of the project. The background of the experts has been on  psychotherapy and educational psychology, cognitive behavioural therapy, clinical psychology, and psychiatry. The next meeting will be dedicated to the further development of the mindset tool for organizations, as well as for the evaluation of  the learners mindset.

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