

International Project Meetings


University of Evora

Portugal - Online Meeting



Abano Terme (Italy)



Granada, Spain - 18th & 19th September 2019


TAMK - Tampere

Tampere, Finland


SV - Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan

Vast, Sweden



Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Second Partner's Meeting for Erasmus+ Strategic partnership for VET “Cognition & Inclusion”



Valencia, Spain

Kick Off meeting

Multiplier events

Invitation  to the seven symposia of the Cognition and Inclusion project that will present the intellectual outputs of the project in Spain, Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Italy and Belgium.

Title of the project: “Fostering employment and social inclusion through cognitive skills”

Events, workshops, training sessions. Availability of tools and manuals

May, June 2020.

These Seven symposia will provide excellent opportunities for stakeholders to use the tools produced by the project namely: a review of cognitive approaches and methodologies to improve 6 competences of adults with learning disabilities, a tool to evaluate the mindset of the professionals on intelligence and cognition, inclusion, quality of life and employment of the target group, a tool to evaluate the mindset of the organizations  to support the cognitive orientation of their professionals  and another to evaluate the learners mindsets so that the methodologies result in a growth mindset.

The  general goal will be to  improve knowledge on cognitive approaches and  sensitize organizations to use them. They will focus on the relations between cognition and inclusion and the added value of cognitive approaches for social inclusion, autonomy and employment .

Furthermore  the knowhow  on specific methodologies will  be improved and the tools developed during the project will be made accessible. Train the trainer workshops with the involvement of local expert groups from the different partners countries  will be organized. 

You are most welcome to join  the seminars scheduled to take place  between May and June 2020 and that will be held in Spain, Portugal,  Sweden, Finland, Bulgaria, Italy and Belgium.

These multiplier events will be one day seminar targeting professional staff and management of national organizations and their networks, involved in inclusive support of  adults with learning disabilities. In addition sessions  and workshops will be offered to  professionals  and VET managers to learn about effective implementation of cognitive methodologies and to train transversal skills and to approach adequate Human resource policies.

Participants will receive tools and manuals and  will have the possibility to get the all necessary  instructions to  easily allow their adoption in the labor context.


12th September 2020

Annie_Pettersson_and_Mia_Ekegren_picture (1)

12th November 2020


  • leader : Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan Väst (Kulturcentrum Väst)
  • Participation: Groep Ubuntux8k  (Belgium), ENSA European Network for Social Authorities


  • Participation:  Groep Ubuntux8k  (Belgium), ENSA European Network for Social Authorities

Multiplier event 4th November 2020 and title Tools to Develop Inclusion – Final Seminar of the Cognition & Inclusion - Project



leader : Universidade de Evora
Participation:  Groep Ubuntux8k  (Belgium), ENSA European Network for Social Authorities

6 Multiplier events held in November 2020:

  • 07th November 2020 at Évora, University of Évora, Verney College;
  • 07th November 2020 at Évora, University of Évora, Espírito Santo College;
  • 10th November 2020 at Santarém, Polytechnic Institute of Santarem, Superior School of Education;
  • 11th November 2020 at Évora, Universidade de Évora, Online Seminar;
  • 16th November 2020 at Portalegre, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Superior School of Education;
  • 30th November 2020 at Lousã, Association for the Recovery of Disabled Citizens of Lousã (ARCIL)

27th November 2020


Leader: Groep Ubuntux8k  (Belgium),
Participation : ENSA European Network for Social Authorities

Multiplier event originally scheduled for 27th November 2020, cancelled due to Covid-19. It was supposed to be a training and it is rescheduled hopefully for early spring 2021.

For further information about the multiplier events, please download the Newsletter 4



ENSA Meeting, Elderly – Disability working groups

Opportunities of the new MFF

Online meeting 14th December 2020

At the international level we would like to provide information and reflect about possible contributions to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with at its heart the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Indeed they represent and urgent call for actions and provide orientations to build strategies, partnerships and exchange practices.

The Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) provides substantive support and capacity-building for the SDGs and their related thematic issues. Essential in this present context is the Next multiannual financial framework and recovery package: Council presidency just reached political agreement with the European Parliament about the comprehensive financial package of €1 824.3 billion negotiated by EU leaders in July, which combines the next multiannual financial framework – €1 074.3 billion – and a €750 billion temporary recovery instrument, Next Generation EU. An overview about the new funding possibilities will be provided to participants.

The disruptive and changing crisis is first a human tragedy, beyond the efforts to tackle the health dimension the social dimension is to be prioritized by the EU notably by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights this is why we also choose also to follow up and address reflections on this possibility.

ENSA General Assembly 2020, Helsinki


The City of Helsinki together with ENSA, European network of Social Authorities, the Veneto Region, IS.R.A.A. Treviso (Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani), the Youth Care Platform and the ELISAN Network have the pleasure to invite you to the ENSA 2020 General assembly. The event is bringing together  social and healthcare in the setting of a truly innovative country: Finland. The topic that has been chosen this year is integrated services and care.

Final Conference A Way Home project, 18/02/2020 – 9am – 5pm , Kind & Gezin Academie, Hallepoortlaan 27 1060 Brussels

With the European A Way Home project, the regions of Flanders and Carinthia and the cities of Antwerp and Villach improved their after care policies for young people and build coalitions to end and prevent youth homelessness. Leaving out of home care - but also other moments of transition - put young adults too often in vulnerable situations. They face exclusion from care, sustainable housing, work, education,  and have a higher risk to become homeless. It is time for action against this violation of the human’s rights: we need a cross-sectoral connection and engagement of all the stakeholders, both on policy level as on the level of organisations working directly with and for young people.
Contacts: An Rommel,

ENSA and YOUTH CARE PLATFORM Project Development Worskshop

17/02/2020, 14:00 – 17:30 (lunch from 12:30), Kind & Gezin academy, Hallepoortlaan 27, 1060 Brussels

The ENSA working groups Youth, Child & Family and the Youth Care Platform are organizing a project development workshop. This workshop aims to gather possible project partners around innovative project ideas for vulnerable children, youngsters and their families and networks.


Alternative and Augmented communication

Sofia, 04-06/11/2019

C&I tools presented during the annual conference

The annual international conference was held on Sofia, Bulgaria on 4-6.11.2019. It was attended by more than 260 participants from social affairs and education sectors. The three C&I tools were presented and leaflets were distributed.

10th to 16th December 2018

Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan (Sweden) Music Aid on Radio and TV – focus on person with disabilities

Vzw Den Achtkanter (Belgium) National Agency EPOS GRENSVERLEGGERS


ENSA General Assembly (Italy) EU Pillar on Social Rights: delivering at local level


Valencia Regional Brussels Office (Spain) Visit of Valencia delegation


NARHU (Bulgaria) European Day of Persons with Disabilitieties


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